The Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine and Ukrainian Financial Housing Company discussed the launch of special terms for agrarians under the yeOselia program

The possibility of launching a special program for agrarians under yeOselia program was discussed during a meeting between Ievgen Metsger, Chairman of the Board of UFHC, and Vitaliy Koval, Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine

They discussed the potential involvement of investors in the program for the benefit of agrarians in rural areas. Thus, the terms of the yeOselia program remain the same as they are now – a mortgage for up to 20 years at 3% or 7% per annum. However, it is expected that the down payment – up to 20% – or the interest rate may be covered by investors in the future. International financial organizations that provide support to Ukraine are considered to be investors in the program.

‘The creation of a special subprogram for agricultural workers could be a crucial step in providing housing for them, stimulating rural development, and facilitating the return of Ukrainians to their homes. Additionally, this subprogram could encourage developers to invest in construction projects in rural areas. Our primary goals are to keep agricultural workers on the land, bring Ukrainians back home, and support young farmers, women, and internally displaced persons (IDPs),’ said Ievgen Metsger, Chairman of the Board of UFHC.

Following the meeting, the parties planned further steps to develop and implement special conditions and new opportunities for the needs of agrarians under the yeOselia program.

As a reminder, the yeOselia program is currently available to all Ukrainian citizens who either do not have their own housing or have housing that is less than the standard under the program per family. For more details on the terms and conditions, please follow the link.
